I’m often asked how to condense an Excel 2010 spreadsheet for printing on one page — so in this post I will show you how to make that happen.
First consider that every spreadsheet is not meant to be condensed into one page — you can shrink any print area of an Excel spreadsheet into one page — but it may be unreadable at that size.
So to shrink the worksheet to fit (in Excel 2010 — it’s a little different from previous versions of Excel, but the concept is the same)
1. Select your print area. (Here’s a quick review of how to set the Excel 2010 print area).
2. Go to the File menu at the top left, of the screen:
3. Select the Print option. You will see a choice at the bottom of the Settings area, Custom Scaling .
In the custom scaling area you will see a list of scaling options. You can choose which one meets your needs — but “Fit Sheet on One Page” is the most basic choice and the one I’ll mention here.