In earlier versions of Microsoft Word it was pretty easy by default to adjust your paragraph margins (e.g. for a lone paragraph that wasn’t cooperating with the other items in a bulleted list). Word 2010 doesn’t always display those friendly (or not-so-friendly) margin sliders so I will now show you how to get those “margin sliders” back.
In Word 2010:
1. Navigate to the “View” menu tab and check the ruler box:
2. Once you click the ruler box and enable the ruler, you will then see the familiar Word ruler with the sliding tabs for adjusting the margins (note the tab circled in red):
3. To adjust the margins of a paragraph that’ s out of alignment, simply left- click on the first word in the paragraph to position the cursor. Then navigate up (just move the mouse — don’t click-drag) to the margin tab (circled in red above), and while holding down the left mouse button, select the bottom portion of the tab (the rectangle underneath the two triangles) and drag the margin to the right (or left if you need to). As you move the slider you will see a dotted-line as a guide. Note that if you select just the top or bottom triangles by accident, only parts of the paragraph will move. If this happens, simply undo the action and try again (you can undo by pressing CTRL+Z or by pressing the undo button — the right curling blue arrow at the top left of the Word 2010 interface, directly above the File menu).