Converting a PDF file to a Word document is easy with Acrobat Standard (the same steps also apply for Acrobat Professional).
1. First open the .PDF file in Acrobat Standard. Then head to the Export Drop-Down and select Word Document
by davidwank
Converting a PDF file to a Word document is easy with Acrobat Standard (the same steps also apply for Acrobat Professional).
1. First open the .PDF file in Acrobat Standard. Then head to the Export Drop-Down and select Word Document
Because Acrobat will use the same name for the Word file as it has for the .PDF file, I like to add a “-w” suffix or some other identifier so that later on you can tell the difference between the two files. If the original file is “myfile.pdf”, you could make the Word document “myfile-w.doc”
This is an example of a text widget which can be used to describe a particular service. You can also use other widgets in this location.
Examples of widgets that can be placed here in the footer are a calendar, latest tweets, recent comments, recent posts, search form, tag cloud or more.